on-site vision testing +
wellness care


“Safety eyewear is about more than just covering people’s eyes.
Far more employees require vision correction than administrators realize.”

– Brad Kirschner, Eyelation CEO

why on-site?

Our on-site approach creates awareness of a greater need for employee vision correction, which is not addressed within traditional safety eyewear programs.

By offering events on-site at no cost*, we eliminate barriers to vision care including price, scheduling inconvenience, and the complexity of prescription eyewear purchasing – to maximize employee vision wellness + quality of life.

*No-cost on-site visit eligibility is limited and based on a number of qualifying factors per Eyelation’s discretion. On-site events only available with Eyelation safety eyewear programs.

on-site vision testing

quick vision testing -
no insurance required.

Eyelation offers a vision testing solution for your workforce during business hours, making routine vision care quick and easy.

  • 10-20 minute vision testing appointments
    with a traveling Eyelation technician

  • Great for introducing employees to vision care if they have no previous vision care history

  • Appointments booked in advance but
    walk-ins also accepted

  • No vision insurance required

provider network +
same-day prescriptions

Following each vision test, data is reviewed by licensed optometrists and ophthalmologists within our telehealth network who then issue valid prescriptions to your workforce.

  • Our telehealth provider network includes both optometrists and ophthalmologists that are licensed in every state

  • Providers issue same-day prescriptions that are honored anywhere eyewear prescriptions are accepted

  • No hidden fees: prescriptions are provided at no cost to the employee

  • If testing data is inconclusive or indicates further wellness issues, referrals are made to local eye care providers

step-by-step team
ordering assistance

Eyelation technicians provide step-by-step prescription eyewear ordering assistance to your workforce as a final step in their appointment.

  • Assistance in selecting frames, prescription lenses, materials and coatings

  • Eyewear recommendations based on line of work or unique vision challenges

  • Employees can also order online 24/7 at their convenience on the Eyelation Online Marketplace

on-site PPE promotional events

safety eyewear
promotional events

Promote your Eyelation safety eyewear program and boost employee awareness + participation with our on-stie promotion events.

  • Walk-up style event hosted by a traveling Eyelation sales team representative

  • Sample safety frame displays for employee fittings

  • Customized eyewear recommendations based on vision challenges or department work needs

  • Step-by-step hands-on ordering assistance

ready to bring
on-site visits
to your team?